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Announcing Research Project Examining AMA Archives
December 19, 2024
To facilitate a landmark research project, the American Medical Association (AMA) is opening its archival collections to researchers from the Institutional Antiracism and Accountability (IARA) Project beginning in the summer […]
Recent News
Harvard professor says there is a ‘political war over the teaching of the past’
In a time filled with challenges to diversity and academic freedom, Black educators find themselves at the forefront of a battle for educational integrity. “We have entered into an entirely […]
Dr. Khalil Gibran Muhammad speaks at 54th Annual MLK Memorial Breakfast
In this keynote, Professor Muhammad responds candidly and courageously to this moment in time, weaving together historical evidence and personal testimony to make sense of institutional racism in U.S. universities today.
Why I’m going to keep teaching the truth about racism in America
Black History Month, which gets underway this week, is a chance to give Americans the timely reminder that you can’t teach our history honestly without understanding Black struggle and triumph.
Our Top Fall 2023 Events
Each semester, the Ash Center is proud to host leading scholars and practitioners for events addressing the challenges confronting democracies around the world.
‘We deserve to enjoy this land’
This article features a written Q&A with Eternal Polk, Director of Gaining Ground, a new film about reclaiming Black land in the US. By Alison Pasquariello.
The 2023 Slomoff Lectureship Delivered by Professor Khalil Gibran Muhammad